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Articles and Poems about Bonkle


Come Back To Bonkle

When ye're tired o' money-makin'
When ye're seik o' gaitherin' gear
Turn your thochts to dear auld Bonkle

In the simmer o' the year;
Ye'll be longin' for the heather
Ye'll be packin' up your kit
To come back to Bonnie Bonkle
Wi' the blue sky over it.

When the sun is settin' yonder
There's a glory in the haze
Where the Auchter meets the Calder
At the fit o' Bonkle braes;
An' ye'll staun' until the twilight
On the auld gray brig o' stane
Jist to see the young leaves drinkin'
In the cool, refreshin' rain.

An' we'll tak' the road gin mornin'
To the muirs oor fore-folks trod
When they socht and focht for freedom
In the worship o' their God;
An' we'll staun' as aince they stood there
An' we'll steek oor een in prayer
For a blessin' on dear Bonkle
An' the hame-folks bidin' there.

Class IV. Advanced Division
Newmains P. School.

Lines on Bonkle Church

Like Elim, where God's people pitched

Their tents in days of old,

So Bonkle Church among the trees

Its beauty doth behold.

Upon the old foundation

A new church has been reared,

A link which past and present binds,

At length our hearts has cheered.

The old church now to us becomes

A thing that's of the past,

But old associations still

Their halo round us cast.

How pleasant in the summer time,

With windows open wide,

To hear the birds their joyous strains

Pour forth on every side.

The nodding branches of the trees

close by the windows waved,

While all around did seem to say

Come and to God give praise.

How many in that church had met,

To read and sing and pray,

Whose faces so familiar were

From earth hath passed away.  

God's servant, who so often spoke

To us of Jesus' love,

From all his labours rest enjoys

In that bright land above.

Many good witness bore that they

Could read their title clear

Unto that land where is no sin,

No parting and no tear.

Some are away to foreign lands,

But oft in fancy sees

This little church of worshippers,

Surrounded by the trees.

Some unto different villages

And towns have gone away,

Yet come when they convenient can

To spend the Sabbath day.

Dear little church among the trees

May peace abide in thee,

And may you unto many souls,

A very Bethel be.